
Several buses removed and crisis is upon us


As I posted in May's Monthly report I planned to remove several of the company buses depeding on how the company does for the next month.

The month has now ended and the news aren't good. As you can see from the image below...

...things aren't looking good. Our company's balance is rapidly falling (fast) and this has resulted in me removing in total of 18 buses. List of all removed buses can be found on our fleet page, if you click on the Graveyard tab.

Should our company balance drop even more, we will need to remove even more (and this time we problably need to attack the maps also or insur...

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Minimum rank to join dropped significantly


At the time of writing this post, minimum rank to join the company is now as low as 4 (compared to usual 8-10) as we did our half-yearly cleanup.

For future references, while our company does not have a required minium rank to join, we do clean up members who haven't driven more than half of last year twice a year (usually once at the end of it and once in summer) to lower the employee count, thus lowering minimum required rank to join (exceptions are members who have notified us of their absence).

All members who have been kicked, if you are back once again, feel free to return.

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BCS Poll: Do you want a feature that penalties players who don't report damages?


Pedepe team has started a poll on PeDePe forums, should they add a feature that:

If a bus has been damaged by a user and has not reported the defect, a higher assumption of the repair costs (in%) would be due than if the user reported the defect. (eg 20 when reporting the repair value and 80% when not reporting the repair value). Thus, other users would be spared potential annoyance when they want to start their tour with a half-broken bus.

You're welcome if you like the feature.

It is all about the message on the premises. Not while driving in the info bar.

Translated with Google Translate


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Marginaal 2019-06-01 011230.png

Aerosoft sale on Steam

General OMSI 2

There is a Aerosoft sale currently going on Steam. A lot of stuff, including OMSI 2 DLC-s are around 30% cheaper.

Click here to view

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Monthly report (May 2019)


We used to do monthly company reports in video forms, sadly I haven't had time for those. So I've decided to keep you folks posted on our homepages in news posts.

So how is the company doing currently?

Here are the current stats of the company:

As you can see, our company balance has dropped considerably since the end of last year and beginning of the year. Considering that summer usually isn't the most active time for company I'm looking into cutting some costs for the company.


Good news is that all maps in the company except Hamburg Hafencity are either profitable or just barely hav...

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